Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Three Month Plan

It's part of the strategy for the week. 

There are lots of housekeeping tasks. Things like taking measurements and photos. I sort of poo-pooed this early on, but I was stunned to see the differences, even though I still have more weight to release. The photos of my face are probably the most surprising. 

Part of the work for the week is to learn how to cycle the seasons, and then to make a plan for the next three months, based on our goals. I've been working on this in my journal. I took a page and divided it into three, and then listed the weeks of each month in August, September, and October. Looked at my calendar for things to note and added them.

Things like the get together with high school friends next week and the possibility of going to NYC with a friend the week after to have a meal and see a show. I highlighted when I'll be on vacation and what kinds of vacations they will be ~ travel, rest and retreat, etc. My son's and my birthdays fall during these months. Noting when I might be tempted into celebration through food is important for decision-making. Is this an occasion I will relax my new eating habits? What might I choose? What do I need to know about where I'll be eating? I learned to think like this a few months ago when I attended my niece's Confirmation celebration and brunch. 

If I decide to relax things, what kind of support do I need to move back into healthy habits? That support could be something as simple as making a meal plan, making sure to get to the store, scheduling the next few days so I can cook and have time for supportive meals. If there's a travel vacation when I may choose to be very relaxed about food choices, am I able to schedule the following weeks mindfully?

Since my goals include more weight release, I will spend most of the next three months in Spring (green vegetables, high quality fats and animal proteins).  I'll build in days here and there for root vegetables and fruit. The rest of my journey through the Green Wilderness will be learning how to shift from program to lifestyle. Learning what ongoing support and accountability I need. Learning about and encouraging the changes in me that support a new way of living.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.


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