Thursday, August 24, 2023

Scramble Ramble

The day spun round like a gyroscope.

I've just finished dinner and am taking a little breather with the keyboard. Tapping out a few impressions of the day. 

I was oddly on-time with managing all the different pieces. Morning journal. Grocery shopping at three stores. Packing food, clothes, books, journals, and anything else I thought I might want or need. Of course, I overpacked. But not as much as I could have. 

The drive to the beach house was oddly simple and clear. Only a few spots where volume and roads coming together slowed things a bit. And, of course, the run down the Coastal Highway. That usually slows in the section that has a lot of traffic lights. 

It rained as I arrived. I drove around a little because I did not want to unload the car in the rain. There was about a 20 minute break in the rain before the downpour came. A few hours later, another break let me walk up to the beach for a quick look. I came back and made dinner, glad I'd brought food or I might have gone out to eat. Instead, roasted veg and chicken thighs. A nice salad. Dinner was the most settled part of the day.

I'm tired, and just want to stay put.

I was so focused on getting out of town I forgot to eat. Or make a green smoothie for the road. So, at the store I hit before getting on the highway, I picked up a little tub of store-made chicken salad. The chicken was not pastured and the mayo probably had industrial oil, but it was light on mayo and oddly yummy. Best of all, it was not the fast food I thought I might have to pick up along the three hour drive. 

Songs of insects harmonize with the percussive surf. I've got the window open so I can hear them. There's not the sound of a car to be heard. I'm looking forward to being lulled to sleep by the susurration of surf and insect song.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience. 

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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