Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wiggy Wiggy Wag Wag Woo

It's been that kind of week. Wiggy. Unexpected challenges. Changes. Small and smaller changes that confound when I'm trying just to put together a schedule I can depend on and things to look forward to. I'd really love it if I could just relax and breathe, if life could flow smoothly so that relaxing and breathing could flow smoothly.

I'm rolling my eyes at myself.

I'd like to be able to roll with the small stressors, but there've been so many big stressors this year that I don't have much elasticity for the small ones.

But . . . I got a great haircut last week and the weather's been beautiful, so I've been enjoying the pool. I get great joy from my morning swim and the songs of birds, movement of tree branches in the breeze, and clear blue skies with or without gorgeous summer clouds. I'm getting my vitamin D these days the natural way.

I get great joy from spending time with my son. We've both been moving and have helped each other with that, have enjoyed making some meals together. This evening we baptized my new grill with a marinated flank steak. 

I get great joy from spending time with friends. I have a standing date for dinner with one every week. I have a standing date with a group of friends one evening every month. Other friends and I try to find time to get together for tea and conversation or tea and poetry. I check in with two writing groups every day and am working on a new anthology contribution with another. 

The writing groups bring joy on two fronts ~ friends and writing.

What doesn't bring me joy is the tedium of moving boxes, but I'm working on changing my mindset around that. To cultivating the joy of discovery. Opening a box, only to find something I've been wondering about or have missed. The ease I'm feeling around getting rid of things. Tedium sometimes has its benefits.

I'm not quite finding joy in putting together a new home. Stress and decision fatigue seems to be in control for now, but I'm working on changing my mindset around that too. But there's time. I'll get there.

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.




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