Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Gift

An early morning swim at the beginning of a busy day prompted me to rush out my front door. I almost did not look down. 

I'm glad I did.

A vase of flowers, there on the porch, greeted me with,

Good Morning.

I do not know who brought them, or who they are from. There was no card. I brought them in and put them on the table, went for my swim and then attended to the busy-ness of the day. Tonight I walked into the house and looked at them sitting on the table. Amidst a sea of moving chaos, this gift feels like something solid. Grace.

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.


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