Thursday, June 27, 2024

Can We Change a Couple of Things, Please?

There's a lot of hype tonight about the presidential debate and the campaign. Many things weigh us down spiritually. These endless political campaigns are one of those things. I wish they'd pass a law that limits political campaigns. Like to six weeks duration. Otherwise, no campaign events, no campaign speak, no premature so-called debates, no posturing ~ until mid-September before a November election. 

Nothing about this year's elections feels inspiring to me. I'd like to feel inspired by the people we look to for leadership. I also wish we'd pass some laws that limit spending on campaigns. Like each candidate gets the same budget and no donations are allowed. Take the money once spent on campaigns and use it for the public good ~ feeding and housing people, improving infrastructure, educating citizens in citizenship. 

I think these two changes would vastly improve life, general contentment, and likely the functioning of government. I have some opinions about tonight's debate. Thinks like ~ it wasn't really a debate. It felt more like ninety minutes of mudslinging, and we all got dirty. As for the rest of my opinions, I'll keep them to myself. 

It's just that I've been sitting here reflecting on it, and the evening sits uneasily on my mind.

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.. 


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