Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Angel Numbers

When I signed in to write today, I noticed something. A number. 555. An angel number. The triple 5 sequence pops up for me frequently, usually when I least expect it. It always invites me to pause, notice, reflect, smile. I like the idea of angels all around us and that sometimes they remind us they are there.

This time it really grabbed my attention. It indicates the number of reflections that I've written since I started this blog in 2012. My life had just been through some big changes, changes that would continue for a couple of years, changes that would come around again every now and then. 

New Age writer Doreen Virtue popularized Angel Numbers in the early 2000s. She later began to study theology and withdrew her work, saying it was demonic. I don't think that casually noticing number repeats and delighting in them as uplifting messages is demonic. Perhaps if one idolizes them, a claim can be made. Of course, idolizing anything ~ money, success, power, to name a few, is a spiritual stumbling block. Numbers figure in many ancient esoteric systems, including the three Abrahamic faiths ~ Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There are overt expressions as well as mystical expressions. Numbers can be symbolic. This quotation is attributed to St. Augustine (I was not able to find the citation. Google is not always a helpful search engine) ~ 

Numbers are the universal language given to us by the deity as confirmation of the truth.

Whatever the facts are, we find truth in many things and they don't always make sense. I'll take my Angel Numbers, especially my frequent 555 that invites me to relax and trust in the midst of big changes.  


Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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