Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Lemon Balm

I've been looking for a couple of months.

Today I got a call from a friend.

Is lemon balm what you wanted?


I love the fragrance that comes up off the leaves in the breeze. I love the glorious green foliage. I love the smell and flavor in an infusion of hot water in my tea cup.

She found it at Lowe's. Brought me two plants. Abundance. They'll go in pots as soon as I can get outside to plant them. I need more potting soil. Used up my supply. The cone flower and bee balm from another friend need to be planted as well ~ coneflower in the garden bed, bee balm in a pot. It drops a million seeds. My little flower bed would become swallowed. 

Might not be a bad thing. I'll see how they grow in the pot.

A friend brought borage and French tarragon, a thin wispy sprig. It's all that came up this year. She's moving later this summer. I've enjoyed her tarragon at dinner on her patio on summer evenings.

Maybe I'll enjoy it again on mine.

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.


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