Saturday, July 22, 2023

Peaceful Easy Feeling

I've taken off all my jewelry.

So no sparkling earrings against my skin today. No gold necklace around my neck. No rings. No watch. No bracelet. I feel a little like Inanna descending to the Underworld to meet her sister Erishkigal, except that there is no feeling of foreboding or anticipation. There just is . . . now.

I spent a night catnapping, up and down a few times, the result of drinking about 120 ounces of water throughout the day. Today I'll manage that a little better, I hope. I felt the beginnings of hunger three times yesterday and managed that with water and distraction. I took a nap, slept well and deeply for two hours in the late afternoon. It was restorative. Talked to my cousin for three hours. We had a good catch up. Was able to make the last hour of the monthly Zoom with high school friends. There was an hour-long coaching call with my program at one. I puttered around my kitchen all morning. Unpacked a box I brought from Mom's that's been sitting around the house for a couple of months. I didn't turn on the tv once. That might have been the biggest surprise.

I am feeling the tiredness I've been carrying around for months. Just noticing, and letting it be what it is. I've created space so it can speak if it wants to. So it can be heard. So it can be met. There's no agenda, no to-do list. I am seeing worship tomorrow as part of self-care, even though I am leading and preaching. I wonder if that mindset will be transformational.

The thought comes together like a bubble and floats off.

I'm wearing soft, light clothes today. They feel barely there. I got a little headachy late last night while trying to fall asleep. Could not remember where I'd put my lavender essential oil. Found the bottle sitting on my dresser when I got up this morning.

There are funny little things like this that make me laugh lightly.

The sun is out. The sky is nearly blue. I can see it just behind the light haze. It's soft against the deep green of the leaves on trees.

I notice the beginnings of hunger again. And a little bit of a headache. I have not been sipping my water while writing. It's a gentle message.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.  

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