Sunday, July 2, 2023

Eight Weeks

My thoughts are on milestones.

Today I complete the first two months of the program. I'm in the messy middle. That became obvious to me last week. But I'm also thinking that with the end of the eighth of thirteen weeks, I may be turning the corner and moving out of the messy middle. Of the program. I'm smack dab in the middle of my life journey with what this program is teaching me.

I have to keep reminding myself that, while I am doing a program that has a definite beginning and end, it is more of a life skills training that will carry me through my own journey beyond the duration of the program. I am getting a good start here, but that's what it is. A start.

So maybe I'm not in the messy middle of my own journey with this yet.

And maybe the middle won't be messy after all. 

Maybe it will. There will be vacations and holidays and learning to live what I'm learning without the support of the program, the coaching and community. I'm thinking ahead so I'll be prepared. Knowing what you need to succeed is part of the journey as well.

Milestones offer a pause to celebrate how far we've come and what might be before us. 

I'm celebrating decreased cravings for sugar and junk foods, reduced inflammation, fewer sinus issues, decreased allergy symptoms, more restorative sleep, fewer aches and pains, more hydrated skin. I've released some inches, and headaches are nearly non-existent. I'm no longer tired in the afternoon. 

I just feel better.

I'm celebrating my food choices and how healthy and nutritious they feel. I'm celebrating the freedom that I feel around my choices. I'm celebrating that the choices I am making around food have become my choices, instead of thinking of them as guidelines of a program. I'm celebrating the ways I'm being challenged to integrate this way of living so that it becomes a way of life. I'm celebrating what might be possible because I am choosing differently.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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