Saturday, August 28, 2021

Home Again, Again

I try to stretch visits with Mom to the last minute. There's a long drive and it's always strange to unlock the door to my apartment after leaving her house. This evening there were emails to catch up on and situations to manage at the church, things to get done in the 36 hours I'm home before taking off for some vacation time. I'm often stunned at how seamlessly I am able to handle things when I am direct and focused. 

Pretty sure that on Monday morning I'm going to collapse, probably have a headache, and just let down.   

I've been ambivalent about going away. I know it will be good for me, but I am also aware of the many things I need to do around the house and the life details I need to handle that have been on the back burner with starting a new church and various family matters. I've stretched the decision about going away to the last minute. 

Normally, it would be easy. I'd plan a trip and hop on a plane. These days I'm staying away from airports and not getting on planes. I'm not crazy about straying too far from home. I feel spooked by reports about the dwindling effectiveness of the Covid vaccines and the escalating cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. I waited to be able to trust the easing of Covid after the vaccines became available and feel like I've missed the window to travel. I'm reading now that there was a travel sweet spot in June and July that it is now over, and we are back in a time to be very cautious.

So, I'm home again. And wondering how long this latest surge will last and whether we'll be able to create some safety and stability again.

A Hundred Days of Happiness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience. 

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life. 

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