Saturday, July 15, 2023

Keeping My Footing On a Slippery Slope

Okay. Here we go.

Week 11 of the program, the beginning of the end, and of learning to make it a lifestyle. The thing is, I've grown to love the way I'm eating. I've also grown to love the fact that I have been following it impeccably, not slipping even once. So the thought of change feels a little intimidating. 

I hear people in the group talking about how they went to a barbecue or had family over and went full-on rogue, eating so far off the plan I don't know how they got back. I feel myself cringe in horror with each of these stories. It's likely that the cringe comes from the realization that I am vulnerable to this as well if I don't stay conscious around my choices and my goals. To be honest, I don't know that I am always this conscious and goal-driven about things. Mostly, I'm not. I tend to meander toward my goals rather than run at them head-long. 

This is different.

So, we have the new enhancements for the week. We are dipping our toes into the waters of the other seasons. We've been in spring, where there are no nutritional sugars. Actually in a deeper version of spring since we've been so strict with the food choices. We're moving into summer now, where there are some root vegetables and some berries. That's what we're adding this week. I am being measured about this. And I've made a plan.

Today and tomorrow, I am adding a little jicama, a water-heavy root vegetable. It's a nearly perfect food with its low glycemic footprint and the amount of water and nutrients it contains. I've wanted to make a new recipe to try with veggies, so today is the day. It's a grilled artichoke hummus. I'm taking the easy way with this and have bought a good, clean hummus and a jar of marinated grilled artichokes from Trader Joe's. Not crazy about the oil, but I'll drain it away before adding it to the hummus. I'm thinking about whether I want to use the food processor. I'll study the recipe a bit more before I adapt it. I'll drizzle some EVOO on top and sprinkle some smoked paprika and toasted pine nuts. If it tastes as wonderful as I think it will, I'll keep the recipe for when I'm going to a pot luck or to serve guests. 

Monday and Tuesday, I am adding a little sweet potato. I picked one up at the store yesterday with the jicama and artichokes. I have a sneaking suspicion that diced sweet potato will feature in Taco Tuesday. I will likely dice it with some onion and prepare it on the cast iron skillet, whatever I pair it with.

Wednesday and Thursday, I am adding some berries. Hopefully I can find some sweet, juicy plump blackberries somewhere. Just picked. I'll have them in the morning and enjoy their sweetness, which I'll be newly discovering with the change in my taste buds from these months of not having any sugar. 

Otherwise, I'll eat as I've been eating and notice the effects of adding back a little nutritional sugar. And hope I can keep my footing on what might become a slippery slope if I'm not careful.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life. 

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