Friday, July 6, 2018


It's the last morning with this writing view for awhile, maybe ever.

That's the beautiful thing about writing in unexpected places. You see differently. I've even noticed rhythmic changes in the short time I've been here. I've written morning, afternoon, evening, and late night. I've written in sunshine and storm. Most of the time it's been steamy and sticky. 

I've been with all the moods. And they've been with me.

I've allowed myself to sink into times long past, through memory, through atmosphere, through place. I've looked up and down and out. I've looked to the left into other rooms and to the right into a mirror and into flowers from the garden. I've paused and held artifacts and relics with my attention. 

I close my eyes and sink into stillness and into my own breath.

And, there, in my own heartspace I find what I have come for. 

The Summer of Self-Love is a daily writing practice created to harness three months for thriving. The goal at the end is to host a dinner party. Sounds like an odd Hero's Journey, doesn't it? Most of the usually are.

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