Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday Morning, I Look Out Over the Yale Campus

Old Campus, with its beautiful towers and deep green canopy of trees. We're staying at the edge of campus, in a third-floor walk-up Airbnb. A funky loft with ceiling timbers in a traditional building. Old touches and new. A loft with a roof deck. Perfect for a Millennial and his late-Baby Boomer mom. 

A pizza jaunt in a colonial college town is a great idea. 

As we stood in line at Pepe's before lunch, we got into conversation with people who thought it was interesting, and probably a little quirky, that we'd take the train up from Philly to eat pizza in New Haven. Of course, it's more than that. It's spending time together around a common interest. Trying something new. Seeing someplace new. Exploring the world around us. Doing something other than a traditional cook-out in the backyard on Labor Day. And talking about it all. Getting to know each other beyond the childhood-parenting identities, and seeing who we've become as time has gone by.

I'm having a rare cup of tea this morning. 

And I'm pretty sure that, after today, I won't have pizza for a very long time.

I look up from the keyboard and my eyes are drawn to the campus once again. I thought about going back to school after my marriage broke up. Getting a PhD. At Princeton. I thought to myself that seven years would be way too long to invest in that. That I'd be so old when it was done. It's now five years beyond when I would have completed it. I laugh at myself (good naturedly, of course) over my imaginings around age. At 50, I could not imagine being 60. To tell the truth, I really couldn't even imagine being 50. 

But there I was. And here I am.  

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience. 

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life. 

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