Friday, September 8, 2023

Looking Up, Instead of Out

Somewhere along the way, my 80-day summer writing series turned into a 90-day writing series. Not sure how that happened. Originally, I imagined this summer writing series would enter a 120-day process of three intersecting wilderness journeys. I would journal part of the 90-day WildFit Challenge and the month that followed, as I work to shift a challenge into a lifestyle. 

At some point, I forgot that the last ten days of the WildFit challenge were the first ten days of the third Wilderness journey.

Out of curiosity I checked the 80th post. It was the New Haven Pizza Jaunt on Labor Day, an apt ending to a summer writing project, date-wise, and a curious ending topically. 

I've been caught up in a flow, and allowed the river to carry me.  Now, on day 84, I am wandering around the question of duration. I'm also realizing that sometimes we can be in the Wilderness so long, we may not quite get that we've come out of it. I think about the landscape and it makes sense that, unless there's a sign or a river or an oasis, you might not quite realize you've reached the end.  

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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