Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Another Day I'm Writing at Night

I'm hoping I'll get into a rhythm or hit my stride soon. 

Right now I'm struggling to show up. It must be all this night writing. I started this way simply because of my other commitments the first few days and I think I might have created a little bit of a habit.

Time to change that.

Hopefully awareness is enough to motivate me to change. But as I look at my calendar, I see that tomorrow is another day I'll be writing at night.

How do we fund the energy to make the changes that we know will enable the things we want to do?

As I begin to think about this question, my mind becomes suddenly flooded with all the things I'd like to change. It's not a very change-friendly mindset that has come upon me, and I wonder if this is a defense mechanism designed to maintain my personal status quo. 

Human systems love homeostasis. We're built for it. That's why change feels impossible at times. But I know also that we humans are built to change. If we can't adapt, it is likely we won't survive. And I know that somewhere embedded in my "little grey cells" (to quote Hercule Poirot) I understand the mechanisms of change and can figure this out. After all, this is what I do for a living. Help people and organizations to discover their own power change. But...

It's a lot easier to help someone else to change than it is to change yourself.

The Great Summer Writing Retreat of 2019 riffs off of a Natalie Goldberg retreat I attended a few years ago, where we wrote every day from prompts and shared what we wrote. Part of my second annual 100 Day Summer Writing Practice, I'll be writing whatever comes to mind and not editing my ideas. So, writing and putting that writing out into the world. Every. Single. Day.


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