Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pivots and Turning Points

The handy man is here. I understand there may be an updated way to refer to this kind of service provider, but I like the term handy man. Reminds me of my childhood and the simplicity of those times. Today he's working on a project I've waited about three months for, a kitchen project that will enable me to (finally) unpack the rest of my kitchen boxes.

He's removing the utility room door and a wire shelf from the wall, moving an ugly-but-usable pantry cabinet into the utility room, and building the pretty-and-useful kitchen island I ordered from Wayfair in March. He's looked at bi-fold doors and will find one that will work in that space. At some point, a contractor will replace my counters and put in a tile backsplash. Then the kitchen will be done.

This feel significant to me. A turning point. Once the boxes are unpacked and moved from where they sit in my dining room, the living room boxes can go into that space. Cleared of boxes, the living room will feel less chaotic, even though there's no furniture yet. I'll be able to work my way through the rest of the boxes and have those done in time for the delivery of my furniture.  

I am looking forward to a little less chaos in my home atmosphere. I've not been sleeping well, and wonder if a little bit of chaos is the culprit. 

Ikea (finally) replenished its stock of bookshelves, so progress can be make in my library. I have a new writing desk picked out. I'm looking forward to using that space for more than storing boxes of books and supplies. I pivot, as the original line of bookshelves has changed so much I'm looking at another line. More expensive, of course. 

I stand, poised for the next phase of this move, or maybe I've stepped over the threshold. Not sure which it is beyond experiencing the many stops and starts of this. I've moved so many times I figure I'm an expert at it, but I've forgotten things like changing the address on my driver's license and following up with the now-more-difficult process of changing my voter registration. Maybe I'll pop online and get a moving checklist, just to make sure I've thought of everything I need to think of. I like checklists. They help me feel grounded when there's a lot to be done.

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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