Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fifty Shades of Days

We've lived fifty of the hundred days of summer. Here, there's a break in the heat, humidity, and scorching sun. We're in the dog days, as bright star Sirius rises in the early morning sky and nears its conjunction with the sun. Twenty days before and twenty days after are the hottest days in the Northern Hemisphere.  Another wilderness time. Sirius conjuncts the sun on July 23, so the dog days this year are July 3 through August 11. 

The full moon is July 21. There's lots of beauty in the sky these days. There usually is most days and nights.

Fifty days of summer remain. This feels abundant. Even as the light begins slowly to diminish, stone fruit and root vegetables swell and ripen. The roses are blooming again. The birds and rabbits are nesting again. A new bunny came to call today. The garden is overgrown and invites some tending. The spent iris flower stalks need to be cut down. Weeds need to be pulled. The cone flower and borage plants still need to be dug into the ground.

Of course, none of this needs to be done. Still, I want to do it and bring the garden back to the beauty that meandered through most of the June days.    

Tomorrow Has Become Yesterday is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life. 

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