Friday, August 7, 2020

Surprise. Surprise.

I've been away from things for a few days.

Having met and moved through the hurricane while at the shore, and having moved through power and internet outages for several days, I've returned home and decided it's time to pick up the daily writing practice again. Normally when I write, I come to the screen fresh and allow whatever emerges to flow onto the page, so to speak. I'd planned, loosely, to write about returning to an interrupted practice and the feelings that sometimes come up when one is not able to meet a commitment due to circumstances beyond one's control. However, I was met with yet another surprise this week. 

Popping on to Blogger and hitting "New Post" at the top of my welcome page, I was met with a screen I did not recognize and a notice that Blogger had decided to improve our interface experience. Now, I don't know about you, but I rarely find these improved experiences to be an improvement. It usually means that you have to learn something new and that you have to spend time poking around, discovering where the things that were once familiar are now found. I have to laugh to myself as I think about the book on archaeology that I'm reading and the descriptions of the slow, close work to unearth ancient artifacts, and how like that this is. 

We do have the choice to return to the other interface, which they're calling "the legacy interface," but it is not clear how to do it or where the button is. It's also available only until September first, so I decided just to jump right in and comforted myself with the reminder that I'll have to switch to it anyway. That's not very like me where tech is concerned. 

Thoughts? Well, I'm discovering that I may somehow have become a curmudgeon. I don't like it. For a few reasons, the first being that it's different, and the second being, that it's different. The most annoying thing about the new interface is the font I normally use, Trebuchet, has changed. It's still listed in the options but it certainly is not the Trebuchet I've come to know and to love. Nope. I don't like it one little bit. (That, by the way, is something a curmudgeon might be known to say.) So, time to find a new font. 

There's no point wasting energy by being annoyed.

I've just done that but I'm not sure I'll like it until I preview the text. But I won't preview as much as I once did because now when you do that, it takes a very long time while it's being "prepared" (another new feature) and the last time I did it the page froze. The page has been freezing a lot, to tell the truth. There must be some bugs they're working out with the new format. 

I've decided this week is the week that has been sent to test my patience. I've been told that I am chill and laid back. I've not really seen myself that way for the last few decades, even though I believe it is my true nature to be that way. It seems I am returning to my true nature. And life is sending me many lessons to show me that it's true. That's another blog post for another day. Maybe.

For now, let's just say that it is really hard to find your flow when the page keeps freezing and interrupting your thoughts. I'm trying to remember to be like the river and to keep flowing around the boulders.

Days of Accidental Beauty: 40 Days of Noticing is a daily writing practice that invites discovery. 

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