Saturday, August 22, 2020

Before It Drives Me Crazy

I may be losing it. 

Checked my calendar today to make sure I didn't have something on there I'd forgotten and I noticed a mysterious notation. Three letters, presumably initials for something, in parentheses, in the upper right hand corner of eight squares in my calendar. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for the next two weeks, and Monday and Wednesday the following. It's written in orange Flair marker.

I have no idea what this is.

I played around with possibilities, but I think I need to do some kind of forensic remembering exercise, like I've seen on Criminal Minds. Close my eyes and put myself in a meditative state to try to quiet myself and remember the day and time and frame of mind when I wrote this in my calendar. Ask myself questions to jog my memory and help me to access this one.

A friend laughed and said that she hopes I figure it out before it drives me crazy. 

Allostatic overload is real. I credit this to too much in my head and an inability to figure out how to take care of myself during these times. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. I've seen lots of people I know who are having recall issues. 

It simply reminds me that I need to renew my efforts around nutrition, movement, hydration, meditation, and sleep. This stuff is not rocket science. But it's so much easier to overwork to get things done and avoid the headaches of not getting everything done than it is to set boundaries that might annoy people. I've got enough stress right now without the added stress of annoyed people in my sphere. I suppose it's about what kind of stress is the least difficult for a person. 

An image comes to mind, Dr. Strange manipulating time energy. It took him awhile to figure out how to do that well in his changed reality. But he did. Figure it out. 

Days of Accidental Beauty: 40 Days of Noticing is a daily writing practice dedicated to discovery 

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