Sunday, July 26, 2020

So Often, I Unearth Treasure

Last year I wrote about being ghosted by Google. My name, my photograph, all of my "about" information and my followers, and a whole bunch of other things disappeared from my blog. I signed in to write one day and it was just gone. I'm not sure that I even know who's writing it these days. Just kidding. It's me. 

But it's got me thinking that I should probably reconstruct all those things. And, no doubt, I'll get around to it one of these days. When I figure out who I am right now. Creating the bio the last time took awhile. I'd just been through a bunch of major life changes and hadn't figured out who'd come out the other side. So I just wrote a few things about the person I thought I was becoming. I'm not sure I remember what it said. Probably something about poetry and the collection I was in the process of publishing, empowerment facilitation and spiritual direction. Yoga. Reiki. Sound Healing. A few other things. 

I wrote through most of the summer last year as the masked blogger, so to speak. I imagine that unless you knew me, you had no idea who I was. And that was okay. I am not sure I write to be known, I write to write. It's a discipline, the daily writing. It's also a treasure hunt. So often, I unearth treasure. There's no map. No X marks the spot. It's accidental. A surprise. Unexpected. 

And I go through a lot of soil to get there.

There's a parable in the book of Matthew in the Bible that talks about the kingdom of heaven being like a treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid. In her joy, she goes and sells all that she has and buys that field. There's something here I can see just the edges of.

Parables are like that.

Days of Accidental Beauty: 40 Days of Noticing is a daily writing practice that invites discovery.

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