Saturday, July 25, 2020

Burning the Midnight Oil

Well, the 10 o'clock oil, anyway.

Actually, it's more like 9:15, but I've been at it for so many hours it feels like midnight.

Trying to get away for a little time off requires enough work to qualify for an extra week at work just to be able to take another week off work. Does that make sense?

I don't have one of those professions you can just leave and leave it to someone else. Some things can be done on the spot, but not most things. So you do double work to take some time off, and sometimes I wonder if it would just be better to trim a few hours or a day here and there and just call it a day. Might that be more restful?

No. Definitely not.

I need time to decompress. Usually it takes me about two weeks to really let down, so when I can it's wonderful to take three weeks off. That third week is really lovely. But I'm not going to be able to figure out how to make that happen, so I'll just take a few weeks here and a few weeks there and hope that it will be enough. This time bargaining is all part of a high stress profession in which you're never really off when you're on. It's a 24/7 life. 

My list sits on the table next to me. The same list that sat here last night with no X's through the task numbers and no lines through the tasks. Now, nine of the 12 items are crossed off the list and the extra item I'd forgotten, but added and completed, this afternoon is crossed off. Really, there's only one thing of substance left to do, an hour-long live video broadcast for Sunday worship tomorrow morning.  

And then there are just the two final items:

(11)  Set away message.
(12)  Be done. Say, "I am done."

Those two may sound like freebies, but they're the hardest two on the list.

Days of Accidental Beauty: 40 Days of Noticing is a daily writing practice that invites discovery.

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