Thursday, June 29, 2023

Maybe It's Just This Week

I take a deep breath this morning as I begin to write. 

It's been a challenging week. I'm not really sure what the source of it is. I am happy with the way I am eating. I am excited to be swimming again. Work is going well. There are the usual ups and downs, but nothing serious. I've been experimenting with recipes and have enjoyed what I've created. I am writing every day. I've spoken with my kids this week and with friends. I've been doing little chores around the house to work through some of the areas that got a bit cluttered over the last year. 

Still, there are days like today when all I feel like doing is cry. 

Someone recently told me that with weight release, sometimes there are things we've held in the body for a long time that begin to go. There are also a few things we can do to ease the passage.

Drink enough water. About 80-96 ounces. 

Sweat. With activities like sauna, steam, dancing.

Let the emotions and the days that might not feel good flow freely. Allow yourself to feel it all.  

There's a steam room in the women's locker room at the gym. I spend time there after swimming. There is something restorative about that time and the way it makes my body feel. I am thinking about stopping at the gym on muscle recovery days as well, just to take the steam. I wonder if this might help the process along. 

I redouble my efforts to drink enough water. Sometimes I lose track. I'll put my three carafe system back into place. It's about 105 ounces, so having most of that will take care of my water requirements. I started the day today drinking some really nice bottled spring water. Sometimes I get that for myself as a treat. I have one carafe filled already; I'll fill the other and make sure I fill my water bottle when I go out.

The third? A little harder, maybe? I'm thinking I might just do some deep breathing if I'm feeling the body symptoms of stress and emotional discomfort. I'll try not to get hooked on figuring out what's coming up to be released; I'll simply let it go. Laughing with myself a little about this. Another mindset challenge. 

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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