Monday, June 26, 2023

Good Earth Bounty

The second change we were asked to make was to enjoy the bounty of the Earth. 

This was way back in week two, when we still were supposed to eat the way we'd been eating, healthy or not. We spent a week already enjoying the bounty of air and water as nourishment. Layered on top of this in week two was to enjoy the bounty of the Earth as nourishment, fruit and vegetables. The invitation was simple ~ enjoy fruit first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, add a green smoothie about 30 minutes after the fruit, and add more vegetables to our other meals. 

I'm pretty sure I'd never had as much fruit and as many vegetables in a single day as I was having in the morning. It's easy to skimp on fruit and veg. The invitation was to get mindful around this. So, two to four pieces/servings of fruit in the morning, and limit our fruit to the morning on an empty stomach. I've heard before that fruit should be eaten on its own, but you don't hear that very much in mainstream nutrition conversation. The reason for the limit? Fruit is meant to digest quickly. When you eat fruit with fat and protein it tends to ferment in your stomach and cause gas. 

The first week was an adjustment for me. First, in finding that much ripe, high-quality fresh fruit, and second, eating first thing in the morning. I had been intermittent fasting throughout the morning for years and had never really enjoyed eating first-thing. It usually made me hungry to eat in the morning. The next week, we were invited to double our fruit intake to 4-6 servings. 

The green smoothies were another surprise for me. I used to love green smoothies about ten years ago. I had them to break my fast, and felt so nourished by them. Then I read that there might be too much sugar from the fruit in them, so I stopped making them. I was excited to have them again. My favorite recipe is spinach, cucumber, banana, and frozen mango, some water and three ice cubes. I'd blend everything in my Nutribullet and pour it into my mom's Lilly Pullitzer lidded cup with a hot pink straw, and sip it slowly. We were also encouraged to "chew" it to get the digestive enzymes going. I even took my Nutribullet to Chicago when I visted my daughter in May. Unfortunately, I packed it in my carry on and was escorted out of security to check the bag. Apparently my blender is perceived to be a weapon. It makes a good story. A little humor to break the tension of the memory.

Adding more vegetables to my meals was easy in May with asparagus in season. I'm surprised I haven't morphed into an asparagus stalk.

Those days of fruit in the morning and in my green smoothie are way back in the rearview mirror these days. I'm starting the fourth week of being completely off sugar, root veg, and fruit. The Green Wilderness is truly green these days. The biggest adjustment was to the green smoothie. I'd never had one without fruit, so I had to work with my mindset so I would not sabotage myself. I went for all-out savory, and seasoned it with what I would season a salad dressing, things like salt and pepper, garlic and onion powders, fresh and/or dried herbs. I love using dill and basil. I rotate my greens and include celery, cucumber, and avocado. It also needs acid. I use a squeeze of lemon juice and a splash of vinegar. I actually look forward to it. I try to have two a day, one in the morning while I'm writing and another to take to work.    

The trick is to use enough salt. I can understand why salt was once considered to be wealth. Have I written this here before? I've said this so many times while talking about what I'm doing that I'm starting to wonder if I'm repeating myself in this writing. Well, if I am, it certainly bears repeating.

I went to the chiropractor this morning. He said, "Wow! You're losing weight!" I have a hard time seeing it because I'm so used to seeing myself. He also said, and this is the real treasure, that the inflammation around my spine is gone. That feels like a healthy outcome and worth every step in the Green Wilderness.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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