Wednesday, June 21, 2023

When Everything Feels Off

There are some days when everything feels off. 

Digestion, sleep, energy. What do I do? Double down on my plan. Follow it impeccably. Sometimes it's possible to get a little unconscious and, maybe, skimp on vegetables or fats or protein. Or water. Or mindful breathing. Things get out of balance. My body is more sensitive than usual these days and lack of balance seems to show up pretty quickly.

Today is one of those days. I woke at 2 and could not get back to sleep for hours. I got up at 4 and did a little writing in my morning journal. Went back to bed for three more hours. Was achy all over. Got up and moved around. Not so achy any more. Did a few things around the house to redirect my thoughts. Sat down to write. I've had a glass of water and am now sipping some more. I'll make a green smoothie, filled with greens, vegetables, avocado, and water.  Maybe have a fat bomb for some energy. Maybe not. My energy seems to be building.

Sometimes we expect everything to happen immediately and all at once. Not sure where we got this expectation. Advertising? Marketing? Very little in life actually happens that way. The slow build to something enduring is what feels more true to me. It's like chicken broth. You bring together all the ingredients and let them simmer for awhile, a long while. When it's done, you skim off the fat, clear away what's left that's no longer needed, and you have liquid gold.

While I was up between sleeps last night, I pulled some chicken broth out of my freezer. I made it a few weeks ago and forgot about it. I'll sip it to help restore balance. It's the perfect medicine for when things feel off. Comforting, nutritious, delicious. Several years ago, I made it often and drank it every morning throughout the winter. My daughter called it my "meat tea." I'm thinking that now that I've given up caffeine and black tea for awhile, I may bring back that morning practice and see what it might contribute to my well being in this season of life. 

Traversing the Green Wilderness with this kind of journey food might be just what I need right now.  

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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