Saturday, June 24, 2023

An Evening Out

We usually meet at a restaurant. But they're dicey these days as I try to avoid hidden sugars, temptation, and artificial anything. 

So we decided to meet at Sarah's house, have dinner, and enjoy the evening in her magical garden. We started doing this during the Covid-19 lock down, when things began to ease in June and it was decided that small outdoor gatherings were safe (-ish) for people who otherwise spent most of their time sheltering at home.

The magical garden part of the evening was scrapped because of rain. Instead we spent the evening in her magical music room and had dinner before the fire. It was lovely, with the sound of falling rain without and the crackling of the fire within. Fire and water. 

Our dinner was simple, and simply beautiful. Salmon crusted with a local zaatar. I'd never had the toasted herb and spice blend with salmon before, so it was a bit adventurous. The salad was a mix of tender lettuces from her garden, with herbs and flowers from the garden ~ mint, basil, borage, nasturtium. There was cucumber, tomato, avocado. I'd brought some pine nuts and sliced almonds. We toasted them on the stovetop and in they went. Dressed with a homemade vinaigrette of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, and a splash of tamari. 

Sarah had wine and I had fizzy water with a splash of lime juice and a mint leaf. 

I sometimes get side glances from people who think there is nothing to eat on my plan, as if sugar, grains and pseudo-grains, potatoes, and dairy are key to life. For most of human history, we ate none of this. I'm not saying that I don't occasionally miss something. But the lure to find out how I might feel if I take a vacation from foods that cause inflammation in the body is strong. My goals are vibrant good health and weight release. It's been a surprising journey through this Green Wilderness ~ discovering all the varieties of greens in the landscape, discovering their nuances, discovering new flavors as my palate clears and resets, discovering new combinations of edible plants and flowers, herbs, spices, and new ways of preparing meat, poultry, and fish. 

I've been researching recipes over the last few days. As the third week of the "most restrictive" part of the program begins, I feel drawn to being more creative and adventurous in the kitchen. I laugh at myself as I realize I probably will discover I prefer simplicity, but there may yet be some treasure to discover here, so I'll put on my Indiana Jones action wear and get going.

The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience. 

Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.

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