Saturday, August 11, 2018

Becoming Health

And today I appeared on my publisher's radar again.

There has been a merger and some definite confusion, but I am happy to report that my project seems to be on track again. I expect there will be a meeting next week and then a new and corrected print proof, so I am hoping my anticipated September release date will be possible. 

I'm holding everything lightly, though. Just in case.

The madness of the last week resulted in waking this morning, exhausted and with a headache that needed attention from my chiropractor. It's felt a bit like a lost day. At least as far as accomplishment is concerned. I have only a few days left at work before some vacation time, so there's a lot to do. Accomplishment is high on my radar these days. I have a long day at work tomorrow. A day of working at home and an evening meeting on Monday. And another long day on Wednesday before I can step away for a few weeks and decompress. 

I'm flying to Chicago late next week to spend a few days with my daughter. I haven't seen her since Christmas. It's been way, way too long. We're going to squeeze a lot into those few days. 

So, a lot of work and a lot to celebrate. And somewhere in all that I am there, hanging on here in this daily writing practice. With the madness of busyness in my life these days, this daily writing is the thread that moves through my days and weeks connecting me to my self and my deep inner life.

In the middle of this very work-intensive week, I signed on for another food-based cleanse. I do these a few times a year. And when I can, I do them with Marnie Northrop. She's amazing. And she offers these wonderful resets that encourage participants to slow down and savor life and delicious, whole, clean, fresh foods while choosing not to eat the things that normally make us feel unwell. Things like gluten, dairy, sugar, preservatives and chemicals, and the like. The focus is on putting ourselves to bed early and staying hydrated, moving our bodies and spending time in nature. Breathing. Enjoying life. You know, the things we should be doing normally but rarely do.

One of my goals is to make those kinds of choices my new normal.

If you're interested in signing up for this seven-day taste of fabulous wellness, you can find her at She has two options. One that begins today and another that begins on August 18. I've been working with Marnie for a couple of years and I think she is fabulous. She also does really good work. So a shout out to her. 

I already know I am going to be challenged tomorrow around eating and moving and taking time for myself. It's Sunday, and I don't exactly find much balance on Sunday these days. There's a reception after church tomorrow and a long meeting following that. But I'll make the best choices I can, which is what this time is really about. 

Then I'll come home and release a deep exhale and see where I am.

I had a surprise today when I got back from the chiropractor. A package. Inside was a mug that was promised when I did my annual pledge to my local public radio station a couple of months ago. (Shout out to WHYY, Philadelphia!) This mug is going to be my go-to tea mug this week. I'm going to spend my early mornings with Mr. Rogers and his words of wisdom and watch his blue suit jacket change to a yellow sweater when I sit down to enjoy my morning cuppa and write my morning pages.

I think I'll make a snappy new day.

The Summer of Self-Love is a daily writing practice created to harness three months for thriving. The goal at the end is to host a dinner party. Sounds like an unusual Hero's Journey, doesn't it? Most of them usually are.

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