Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Settling In

I almost forgot to write today.

I was getting ready to power down the laptop and decided to scroll through my Facebook timeline. Good thing I did. Otherwise I would have awakened in the morning and not gotten over it. Every. Single. Day. means every single day.

I remember last year becoming concerned over the daily writing as I considered my travel schedule. I'd been having lunch with my son and was thinking out loud. I've told this story before . . . but I'll repeat the bones. He pulled out his phone, pushed a few buttons (so to speak) and the put the phone away. A few days later I received a tiny bluetooth keyboard that works with a smart phone. It really is quite an extraordinary invention. I don't have to lug around my laptop with me when traveling and can go back and edit later if I need to. 

But that doesn't help if writing slips my mind. 

I wonder how that could be possible. And then I think about a scenario like today's. Up at 5:30, morning journal, meditate, walk, breakfast, do the dishes, pack my lunch, put on a crockpot of chicken broth, do more dishes, get ready for work, drive to work, work, drive home, work some more, make dinner, eat dinner, do more dishes, show up for an online class, do some more work, finish my registration for Yoga Alliance, look into yoga teacher liability insurance, do some emails, look at the time and decide I might have time to read a bit before bed.  

That's how it's possible that the writing slips your mind.

Tomorrow I can write in the morning, but I'd rather go to the Farmer's Market in Princeton, so I may be writing at night again tomorrow. One of these days I'll figure out how to shift that but, for now, as I settle in to this 100 day practice, I'm . . . well . . . settling in.

And giving myself a break about it.

The Great Summer Writing Retreat of 2019 riffs off of a Natalie Goldberg retreat I attended a few years ago, where we wrote every day from prompts and shared what we wrote. Part of my second annual 100 Day Summer Writing Practice, I'll be writing whatever come to mind and not editing my ideas. So, writing and putting that writing out into the world. Every. Single. Day.

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