Normally, this would be my last post of the summer series. But I got a late start and so there are about three weeks to go. One of the reasons I choose the summer for this writing is my work schedule is usually lighter. So it's going to be a good writing experiment to do this daily practice when there is more demand on my time, and on me. It's also going to be interesting to see how I fare in the last three weeks of three months in the Green Wilderness.
I've been on vacation for a week, with complete freedom around eating since I'm at the beach house with a kitchen and grocery stores easily available. My time has been completely unstructured and there've been no demands on me. In October when I'm traveling out of the country, it will be a lot more interesting to consider food choices and to discover what might be available and what might not be.
I've been far from perfect this week, but pretty good all things considered. I've had a little sugar, a few drinks, a tiny bit of dairy and gluten/grains. But just a little of all that. I've definitely felt it in my level of well-being. That feeling of vibrant good health is not quite on track when I make food choices that are non-supportive. Some of that looks like low energy, congestion, trouble sleeping.
I've prepared most of my meals and have eaten out only four times, so far. I think it's helped that I've also been doing a two-week online coaching program in emotional eating. The extra support, accountability, and awareness have been helpful. I've also learned a few things. Actually, there have been some stunning insights. I love that I can still learn things about myself in my 60s.
The light yesterday was a study in contradiction, the sky was as changeable as I've seen it. I was up at the beach for a few hours in the morning. The light and everything around me appeared silver. I took a photo and questioned whether I'd somehow set the camera on black and white. A few hours later the skies and light were a jumble of blue and white and golden. The sky was afire with deep pink and purple at sunset, and the rising blue moon slipped in and out of the clouds reflecting the deep pink of the evening sky before settling into gold and then a pearlescent white. I never caught a glimpse of the whole moon all at once. I'm hoping for clear skies tonight.
The Green Wilderness is a daily writing practice that opens a landscape of discovery into my own human experience.
Katherine Cartwright has been blogging since 2012, and each year brings new wonders. She asks big questions of the small things in life.